With our background in Federal Government travel and logistics support, HBC staff members are well versed in the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) and its requirements. In managing travel and logistics for a client, we balance FTR compliance with achievement of the best possible travel and logistics outcomes for clients. We ensure problem-free travel timed ideally to meet client goals at prices that fit client budgets.
For supported travelers, our team provides customer-friendly travel coordination, including everything from working with individuals to complete their travel requests to preparing logistics letters for travelers and handling reimbursements.
How is working with HBC different? We offer:
- Written guidelines for each traveler that consider specific client requirements
- A dedicated travel agent system that involves a personalized booking experience with a knowledgeable agent
- Reliable ground transportation that maximizes event participation through careful scheduling
- Travel manifests that maintain a complete record of logistics information for contingencies and reporting
- 24/7 assistance through a 24-hour toll-free hotline for travel emergencies
- Timely reimbursement for each traveler’s expenses